Ph.D Candidates in Electronic and Computer Engineering

Kang Jian recieved his bachelor's degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He's first major is Elctronic and Information Technology Engineering. He's GPA is 3.8 during his undergraduate period and he is in the top 10 persent of his major. He has interest in embedded system, FPGA design and computer network.

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Program Experience

Constructing a SDN Tested in a Software/Hardware Co-design Approach

Undergraduate thesis
January 2017 - Present

Brief Introduction

We designed and implemented an Open-flow Switch on the developing board which used ZYNQ-7000 as processing core. We used TCL language reconstructing the FPGA part and configuring the processing cores. On the hardware base, we planted and compiled a Linux operating system and installed switch module on the OS. So the developing board could exchange network data under the control of controller connected on the board. Then we used FPGA to replace the processing core to complete data processing and matching work to improve performance of our switch. It means we use software and hardware co design method on the project. Finally we use this switch connecting a controller and two hosts to construct one smallest network. We tested the switch qualitatively through transferring video data through this network. And we used network testing tool such as ping and iperf testing and contrasting throughput, delay and delay variation of the switch. We drew a conclusion which was the performance of switch could be improve rapidly when we used FPGA completing some work which was finished by processing core. Through this project, we can consider we could reassign appropriate work of one system to hardware or software to make the performance of the system maximum. Although I have already finished the undergraduate thesis, but this project will be continued. Now we try to add the wireless channel on the switch so we try to use this switch in our home as a controlling center.

Reference Website

A Simple Code Formatter

software curriculum design
October 2015 - January 2016

Brief Introduction

Although the code can be compiled only if the grammar is correct. But a standard coding format makes the code easier to read and maintain. Under this background, a code for-matter which can transform the code to a standard format is necessary. In this design, we used C++ to build our for-matter. Because text processing was the core of this project. So we used regular expression to find and match the string we needed. We inputted a source file written in C language which grammar was right but format was not standard. After the processing of our for-matter, its format would be standard again.

Reference Website

A simple module of home automation

hardware curriculum design
May 2015 - June 2015

Brief Introuction

We finished a smart home module consisting a controlling center, data collecting modules and APP running on Android OS. A zybo developing board connecting with a WiFi module could connect with data collecting modules and mobile phone which ran our APP. The data collecting module collected the temperature and light intensity and sent them to controlling center. Controlling center receive them and adjusted air conditioning and lamp according these data. Controlling center also sent them to our mobile phone so the user could see them on the APP and control lamp and air conditioning manually.

Reference Website

Technical Skills

English Skills

  • Passing The GET-4 and GET-6
  • Passing TOFEL
  • B.A. degree in English

Computer Skills

  • National computer rank examination certificate of level 2 (C programming language)
  • National computer rank examination certificate of level 3 (Embedded system developing)
  • Skilled in used C, C++, TCL languages.
  • Github and SVN
  • MATLAB, Altium Designer, Vivado
  • Photoshop and Premiere


Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Electronic and Information Engineering

During the undergraduate period. I have finished the lectures of math and specialized foundation.
Math Course:
Math:Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Functions of Complex Variable and Integral Transforms, Probability and Random Process, Equations of Mathematics Physics
Electronics and Computer: Principles of Circuit, Fundamentals of Electronics (Analog and Digital), Signals and Linear Systems, Communications Theory, Embedded Systems, Data Structure, Computer Networks

Huazhong University of Science and Technology


This is my second major.
Math Course:Comprehensive English, English Listening, Advanced English, General Linguistics


  • 2013-2014   Outstanding Communist Youth League member of HUST
  • 2013-2014   Model Student of Academic Records
  • 2013-2014   Excellent Student Cadres
  • 2014-2015   National Endeavor Scholarship
  • 2014-2015   Excellent Student Cadres
  • 2013-2017   Outstanding Graduate